Saturday, June 16, 2012

Music! Yesterday Today SummerBurst!

" Music is what feelings sounds like" Oscar Wilde

Sommaren är här och hela luften ljuder av musik och glädje...! SummerBurst fyller hela stan med the highest frequencies!! Njut! Carpe Diem <3

Wow! Helt galet!!

Vi är såå tacksamma för den enorma respons vi har fått genom alla era anmälningar till

 Sommarens Workshop med Veronica Maggio,Anders von Hofsten,Linda Sundblad, Jessica Folcker och Zannah Hulten.(på bilden med Petra Marklund )

Dessvärre var vi oförberedda på vilka proportioner detta skulle ta!

Vi har efter vårt”kris-möte” nu bollat mellan att sålla ut några anmälda eller köra ”först till kvarn” men slutligen beslutat oss för att flytta fram hela arrangemanget så att vi kan beredda på att ta emot alla:)!!

Vi ber er ha is i magen tills de nya datum för eventet kommer upp!
Vi återkommer innan juli med datum.

Har du frågor kring detta, vänligen maila oss:

Alla ni som har anmält er får även detta besked på mail.

Med bästa hälsningar

Wow! Completely crazy!
are so grateful for the tremendous response that we've received through all your applications!

, we were unprepared for the amount of participants wanting to join.
been in a meeting discussing what to do to embrace this wonderful response!
Finally we've come to the conclusion that we will postpone the event the 19th,20th and 21st of june,  so that we can prepare this vocalworkshop in accordance to all of you who wants to participate!

We ask you
to stay in touch until the new date for this vocalworkhop is coming up!
We will be back
with the date as soon as possible.

If you have
any questions, please email us:
All of you who assigned to this workshop will also receive this message in your mail.

With best wishes,


Monday, June 4, 2012

Kommer såväl ihåg när vi turnerade i Afrika. Jag hade en sådan här bergsprängare med mig och sååå tung den var!
Det var ju så varmt och så mycket bärande men Vilket ljud! 

Preparing SongAcademSummer Splash med Veronica Maggio..

Linda Sundblad, Anders von Hofsten, Jessica Folcker!!
Allt ska på plats! Tack Michaela och Cili

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dagens replokal .. Igår Rebecca &Fiona

Dagens replokal inför kvällens framförande
Igår Rebecca & Fiona! Regnet slutade och publiken var vild:))! Jag med! Vilka Dj's men också vilka låtskrivare och artister xoxo

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Friday, June 1, 2012


Next stop .. Sweden!!

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What a night!! Sing your heart out!

 This was an incredible night at SONG ACADEMY L!VE 
The Temptations were in Sweden and I was honored to coach their singing and their voices. 
So they wanted to sing a song or two at our club as a gift.
Nobody really believed that the true and real Temptations was going to perform - but I ask Blacknuss Allstar our band, just to repeat their songs since I knew they were coming.

They came and we loved them but they fell in love with the band the audience and the vibration that night was so intense!.They never wanted to stop!
It was Linda Sundblad who knew the Temptations and was the angel putting us together for this magic moment!
At this third picture the Temptations with Linda and me but also astonishing Awa Manneh was sharing her love.

