Thursday, May 31, 2012



Welcome to Song Academy Summer Splash

" I Have A Voice!"

During the 19th 20th and 21st of June,we at SongAcademy will arrange a three-day workshop focusing on pop and soul, where you as a participant will be guided by vocalcoach&producer Zannah Hulten, who will give you the tools you need to develop your voice and unique expression!
You will also work directly with the amazing artists Veronica Maggio, Linda Sundblad, and Jessica Folcker - all students of Zannah.
Every day is a new song and new artist that we sing and work together with to create magic!
Choral Directors together with Zannah,
Anders von Hofsten -will start every day with a Motown-workshop.
If you know you belong in the spotlight and if you want to challenge yourself then you sign up for Master Class.
ZannahHulten vocal coach,vocal producer, artist and founder of the Song Academy.
She has over the years coached artists like Rihanna, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fibes Oh Fibes, Rebecca & Fiona, The Cardigans, The Temptations.
Zannah:This summer course is a so called
"come together" in which we join together in music,singing!
-We turn to "lovers of music", that is all of you that truely loves to music and singing.
Not just at the elite level, but to all those who think that the most important is the love of music.
When: 19,20,21 June 17:00 to 22:00
Where: Delight Studios,Stockholm,Sweden
Price: 3500 SEK, VAT incl.
The price also includes light snacks and beverages.
To sign up:
Write your first and last name and Summer Splash under "Subject" and make sure that you send from the address you wish us to contact you on.
Shortly you will receive an email from us with the application form and all the information that you need!
Yours truly,
Zannah Hulten
Song Academy "Growing Music"

Saturday, May 26, 2012

“Attention energizes, Intention transforms. Whatever you put your attention on will grow stronger in your life.”

Let´s put all energy into Singing Music Creativity!! 

3 nights making music together with genuine musicians:
Jessica Folcer,Anders von Hofsten (picture)Linda Sundblad,
Veronica Maggio and vocal coach Zannah Hulten.

Sign up at "" 

If you wanna be sure to be a part of this expierence Sign up today!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

ZANNAH HULTÉN - Sångpedagog,Artist,Producent,SångCoach - driver SONG ACADEMY: Zannah & the Song Academy Proudly PresentsSUMMER ...

ZANNAH HULTÉN - Sångpedagog,Artist,Producent,SångCoach - driver SONG ACADEMY: Zannah & the Song Academy Proudly Presents
: Zannah & the Song Academy Proudly Presents SUMMER SPLASH! 2012 Sommar Sång Workshop i 3 dagar! Vi sjunger tillsammans med  Jessica...

Zannah & the Song Academy Proudly Presents


Sommar Sång Workshop i 3 dagar! Vi sjunger tillsammans med 
Jessica Folcker, Anders von Hofsten, Linda Sundblad, Veronica Maggio och Zannah Hulten.
Var:  På Delight Studios i Stockholm
När:  19,20,21 juni kl 17.00-22.00

Gå in på vår facebook sida och "like" så får du all inside info:) 


